Packing time, leaving in 5 days.

Ah, what to do today? Whilst recuperating from chicken pox, I have decided that I will dedicate myself to start packing since I will be leaving to the UK on the 22nd. Bah, anyone mau ikut antar aku on that day, be my guest. I will be most delighted to see most of my friends before flying off back to same old London (or so as I hope it will be the same, as I will be figuring out that it will be the same). Oh, oh, I am anxiously waiting for that new malay restaurant that will be opening up near edgware road soon, it replaced the already current Mawar, where the seniors say it was a nice place to go if they are bored. Anyway, here are some pictures I have taken about the current percentage of packing for going back.

Here's the first picture. I just started packing actually. So by the estimation of the amount of packing that I have done, you can see it is actually by 5% only. Not much I have put in yet.

Here's the second picture. The contents of the first picture. It's only that much I have packed. Look at that? Anyway, I would be having a new luggage soon to replace the old one that I have on this picture now. The zipper is incredibly bad now that it may fall off anytime during the flight on the 22nd.

and here's the final picture and the final bag. Full of foodstuffs eh?

And so to say, I haven't done much yet, but I am still there to finish it before 22nd. Anyways, cheerios people!


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